15 May 2011

One year with Superman!!!

Today is our anniversary - we've been married for one year!!!

God is so gracious - now I'm the wife of a man with his bachelor's degree - he graduated on Friday!

AND - it's our anniversary. AND he got me a corsage to wear to church. :o)

AND - life is just wonderful. We're going to the zoo, and then out to dinner!

Wow. i am blessed beyond words.

20 February 2011

9 months of Happily Ever After....

5 days ago, Gabe and I celebrated 9 months of marriage. Can you believe it's been 9 months already?! Time flies! In so many ways I can't even remember life without my best friend being there all the time - and in other ways, I can't believe it's already been almost a year since our wedding!

The day before our '9 month anniversary', Gabe and I celebrated our very first Valentine's Day together. Last year I was in Oregon and he was down here in California - the year before, we hadn't started dating yet. So, our very first Valentines was together!

Gabe got me a rose, a necklace, and one of the best dinners ever - In 'n Out! Seriously - we were both in the mood for burgers, so we decided to do something cheap. It was so fun! We came home and watched a movie, and it was one of the greatest days I've had in a long, long time!

We've also been working on our ministry plans for Russia and Ukraine. Guess what?! We actually have plans, and truly, it seems as though they are the Lords plans for us. If so, then very possibly we will be moving forward with them. If not, that too will be revealed, in His timing. Whatever the case, it is exciting, following God. As He leads we grow in faith more and more - it's an adventure, and the fact that we are together for it just makes everything that much better!

25 January 2011

We have a niece!

Today we had an amazing experience. We were able to be at the hospital when Jade Elizabeth Baljet was born - our niece! Our first niece, I might add. Watching Gabe hold Jade was, to be honest, incredible. Holding her myself was incredible as well! Wow. God is so great!

Over the past few months we've had the amazing privilege of holding babies in the church nursery. And guess what? My Superman is not only amazing - he's amazing with babies, too. They love him! And he understands them. We've talked a lot about babies lately. We want some. In God's perfect timing, we will have the incredible privilege of being parents - hopefully within the next 2 years!

So many blessings and challenges have come our way in the past few weeks, we're almost...exhausted. In a good, blessed, happy way. We are burdened for souls, perhaps more than ever, and we are convinced of God's greatness and grace, daily more than the day before.

God is providing for all our needs!!! We found out this weekend we're hired to work the summer in Alaska at Yes Bay Lodge, a fishing lodge in one of the most beautiful locations I have ever been to!

We have a general outline of the next few years. If the Lord decides to change those plans, we won't be upset - but for now, He seems to be leading us in an amazingly exciting direction. Sharing His truth! Proclaiming His gospel! In quiet ways and loud; living every moment for His glory, by His grace.

We are so blessed - and we get to do all of that together!

I still can't believe I'm married to my best friend. Thank you, Lord, for giving me Superman!